Featured Listing
In featured listing, the property will
be listed in the home page of the website until 1 month and will be in the
normal listing until the property is sold. Also, social media marketing such as
facebook promotion is done. Gharbazar officers will visit your property and
take nice pictures of the property, carefully edit the images and beautifully
present the property in the website. This service is not free. Please contact
us for pricing and other details.
Expert Service
In expert service, it will have all
features of Featured listing. Also, our experts will be sharing real
estate knowledge with you and guide you along the selling process. Our experts
will handle the communication with the potential buyers. Service fee will be
applicable depending upon the property. For more details, please contact
Normal Listing
If you have good information and nice
pictures of your property, you can use normal listing. It is absolutely free.
In normal listing, the buyers will search your property and find your property
and contact you for more details. Your property will be available only after
the search or comes after the featured listing. You can just sign up and submit your property.
Classified listing is free of charge.
If you want to sell your properties using fewer words and you don’t have good
pictures of your property, you can use this feature.
If you are confused to choose service, you can simply contact
us. Our team will help you select the suitable service for you depending
upon the nature of your property and your immediate need.
Buyers can contact
us to get advice and find the right properties for them in Nepal in a reasonable
price. We can advice you on the current scenario in the real estate market in
Nepal. If you are planning to take home loans, you can check home
loan interest rate which is provided from different commercial banks in
Nepal. You can also use EMI
Calculator to check EMI for your home
Further, it is useful for buyers/sellers to know about the
things that should be taken into consideration before making property deal in Nepal.
It will be equally helpful for you to check the current news to find what is happening in real
estate market in Nepal. We have all real
estate related news in one place.